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This page provides an overview of the Transplant Unwrapped video library. A portion of the videos listed on this page were made by Transplant Unwrapped, while other collections contain links to videos developed by other organizations and individuals.  

Jump to an Intestinal Rehab &  Transplant Unwrapped Video Section...

Patient and Caregiver Reflections: Videos from patients and caregivers answering questions and sharing experiences regarding their intestinal journey.  

Patient Q & A Videos: Nine-part series presented by pre-and post-transplant patients explaining the intestinal transplant process. Includes a special edition video on living with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS). 

Clinician Interviews: Interviews of clinicians from multiple intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation centers across the nation. Sign-Up or Log-In to have full access and get notified when more are released.

Webinars: Past clinician presented webinars and a four-part webinar series presented by post-intestinal transplant recipient, Kayla.

Kids Animations:  The Transplant Unwrapped Kid's Website contains numerous animations on Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS), intestinal rehabilitation, and intestinal transplantation topics

Jump to a Listing of Linked Videos...

For Parents and Kids: A listing of links to videos about a variety of topics surrounding transplant and easing medical appointment anxiety.

Organ Donation: A listing of links to videos about organ donation and general transplant information.

Pre-Transplant: A listing of links to videos about intestinal transplant indications, such as short bowel syndrome, and other useful pre-transplant information.

Surgical Videos: A listing of links to videos about the actual intestinal transplant surgery. Also contains a video about the STEP procedure for short bowel.

Post-Transplant: A listing of links to videos about a variety of post-transplant topics.

"How To" Videos: A listing of links to videos on patient care tasks, such as hooking up PN or changing a dressing.

Videos on Organ Donation

1. "Transplant Talk: Your Organs Are Amazing! Here’s Why" discusses the role of the 8 transplanted organs and the importance to the recipient's who receive them. 

2. "Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work?" Explains the transplant waiting list, how someone becomes a donor, the process of matching organs, and signing up to share the gift of life.

3. "How to Register as an Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donor" Describes three easy ways to sign up to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor.

4. How the National Waiting List Works: UNOS video describing the national waiting list. 

Videos Organ Donation
Videos Pre-Trasplant

Videos Related to Pre-Transplant 

1. Short Bowel Syndrome: National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Video Library. 

2. Small Bowel Ischemia and Infarction.

3. "How to Compare Transplant Centers" SRTR video on how to utilize their website and compare US transplant centers. 

4. Understanding Program Specific Reports. A guide for transplant candidates to understand information provided on SRTR Program-Specific Reports (PSRs).

5. Organ Transplant: UCLA Emmi videos. Anyone can register (you do not need to be a UCLA patient) for their Emmi program and select the organ transplant portion. It is a 25-minute overview of the basics of organ transplant. There are also other educational videos on a wide range of health topics. 

Surgical Videos

Surgical Transplant Videos (note these may be graphic in nature)

1. Pediatric Intestinal Transplant at UPMC on a 10-year-old boy with Tufting Enteropathy. 

2. Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery: Animated display of isolated small bowel transplant. Clearly explains what occurs during the operation. 

3. Serial Transverse Enteroplasty Procedure (STEP) at Boston Children's Hospital; please note this is graphic in nature and this is not a transplant. This is an intestinal rehabilitative procedure. 

Videos Post-Transplant

Videos Related to Post-Transplant 

1. CMV post-transplant and PTLD  from the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Video Library. 

2. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as a possible post-transplant complication. 

3. Organ rejection: Explanation of the immune system and types of organ rejection. 

4. The Immune System: TEDed talk on how the immune system functions. 

Videos How To

"How To" Videos Related to Patient Care

1. TPN and PICC Line Care and Set-Up: TPNcare.com- a website containing a variety of "how to" videos showing how to set up TPN and take care of central lines. 

2. "How to Care for a Central Line" Boston Children's Hospital  Video Series.

3."Changing a Central Line Dressing" By American College of Surgeons.

4. "How to Take Automatic Blood Pressure" Mayo Clinic Help Videos.

5. "Heart Rate and Pulse Info

6. "Taking Your Child's Temperature" By Nemours Healthcare.

7. "Changing an Ostomy Pouch" By American College of Surgeons. 

Videos Other

Other Helpful Videos

1. TEDed Talk on the function of the gastrointestinal tract.  

2. The Messy Path to the First Successful Organ Transplants: A SciFi video discussing the history of organ transplantation. 

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