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Your Questions Answered


Do you have a question on intestinal failure, intestinal rehab, intestinal transplant, or another related topic? Get the answers you seek from Transplant Unwrapped's Ask the Expert Program.

How it Works

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1. You Have a Question:

First, view our FAQ section to see if it has been answered.

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3. Meet the Experts:

Look through our list of experts to decide the best fit for your question.

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4. Submit Your Question

Once answered, we will email you a response, and all questions and answers are posted anonymously on our site.

Ask the Expert: Submit Your Question
Ask the Expert Form
Expert Need to Know

What You Need to Know

1. If what’s going on could be an emergency, call 911. If you are experiencing other concerning symptoms, please contact your care team directly. Our site, including this section, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please view our terms of use and disclaimer policies for more information.


2. We may have already answered your question, so check our FAQs section.


3. To submit a question we require you to provide your name and email address; however, the question and answers will always be posted to the public without any identifying information (i.e. anonymously). 


4. We apologize that we cannot guarantee a response. We try our best to read and answer as many questions as possible, but we are very busy, especially our clinicians who have their own patients whom they are responsible for.


5. Please keep it short and sweet. Questions are usually published unaltered, but we may edit for content and length.


6. Although we try our best to be a helpful resource, there are some things we can’t do here on the internet: diagnose you with an illness; change or make recommendations on your medications; or contact your doctor, etc. You need to speak with your own care team about these topics. Please see past questions and examples below for appropriate questions to ask.


Please be advised: The materials and other information provided by Ask the Expert are for general educational, communication, and information purposes only and are neither designed nor intended to replace nor constitute the giving of case-specific or other medical advice, treatments, or diagnosis. "Ask the Expert" follows the Transplant Unwrapped Terms of Use and Disclaimer Policies. By submitting your questions you are agreeing to our terms and policies.

Acceptable Question Examples

  • Post-Transplant Patient: How did you cope with waiting for your transplant?

  • Caregiver: How do you keep your patient’s medications organized?

  • Clinician: How do you determine if someone is a candidate for intestinal rehabilitation?

  • Certified WOCN: What type of appliance is the best for an ostomy that is flush with the skin?

  • Nurse (general, SBS patient): Can you explain the implications of short bowel on the possibility of pregnancy in the future?

  • Short Bowel Patient: How do you keep yourself hydrated throughout the day?

  • Pharmacist: Can you explain the difference between palliative care and hospice?

Examples of What We Will Not Answer 

  • Please note, it is mainly how you word your question. We can answer general, informational questions, not case-specific.

  • What intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation center do you recommend I go to? 

  • I have a 104 degree fever, the chills, and aches. What is wrong? Please call your doctor or go to the ER.

  • What is the best anti-rejection medication regimen for an intestinal transplant patient?

    • We cannot recommend a particular regimen. Rather, we can direct you to information on each medication and your team can decide the best treatment for you.

Acceptable Answers

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Transplant Unwrapped is a 501(c)(3) organization that operates off of donations. To continue programs such as "Ask the Expert," we greatly appreciate any contribution you can give. 

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