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Join us at our next Webinar on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. 


Survivor's Guilt and Corresponding with Donor's Families: Harnessing Guilt and Grief into Expressions of Gratitude


Have you experienced survivor's guilt after receiving a transplant? Do you wonder if you should write a letter to your donor's family? If you do, what should you say? 


Dena Balk, Bereavement Services Coordinator & Counselor at UNOS will help navigate these very tough emotional topics.


Have a question? email us

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We proudly introduce

 Intestinal Rehab & Transplant Unwrapped (IRTxU) Gear.

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Show your support and help donate to the intestinal failure, rehab, and transplant community! We have men’s, women’s, and kid’s size clothing items. We also have a versatile tote.


These make great gifts!


We can’t wait to wear our support!


There are many different colors to choose from.  When you choose the colored logo there are 2-3 different colors of apparel. When you choose the white logo there are 3-8 different colors of apparel. 


Check out our store on Threadless: 



Community Perspectives:


How do you enjoy family and holiday times that seem focused on food if you can't eat?


Or if you do eat but food causes issue for you:


How do you model healthy eating habits to children if you cannot eat or food makes you ill? 


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Post  Transplant Patient 

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Post Transplant Patient 

Do you have a question for our community?

Our Impact

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We regularly hold expert led webinars for the benefit and education of our community.
Signup for our next webinar. 

Sign up for our library of webinars
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Advisory Board
Our Medical Advisory Board has 20 members from 11 intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation centers across the world.
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Become one of 300+ members to get access to our full library of downloadable resources and  webinars anytime!
Signup for free.

"Intestinal Rehab & Transplant Unwrapped and educational programs are a vital resource to the community for intestine transplant and short bowel syndrome. It is so important that patients have educational resources and ways of networking with others and be able to gain a greater understanding of their disease process, a greater understanding of the expectation of what transplant would bring, and a greater resource and ability to reach the larger community around them." ~Dr. Syed-Mohammed Jafri, Henry Ford Health Systems~ and Member of Intestinal Rehab & Transplant Unwrapped Medical Advisory Board.

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